Six-Week Coaching Program

Six weeks of 1:1 top knowledgeable coaching and on-demand communication with Elizabeth via Slack or Voxer to upscale your business to new horizons. Establish and surpass a 6-figure year all with the new knowledge provided to you.

My 6-week intensive program is full of carefully planned strategies with 1:1 coaching calls, actionable strategies and support to make your entrepreneur ambitious to the next thriving marketing plan. If you’re serious about growth, you’re in the right place.

Build a clear and detailed business and marketing strategy, mapped out into actionable goals, projects and tasks

 Having a clear and productive plan is the perfect roadmap to creating powerful and high-class achievements.

 This course is for women who seem themselves thriving in the digital world while still having a business that is optimized and scaling through video marketing.

It’s time to introduce your new goals to your business

Is this you?

Scraping for leads and constantly speeding time in the DM’s for clients.

Seeing everyone else post about their $10k months wishing it was you.

Constantly revising systems and funnels.

Creating new ideas that never become plans.

Having stunning products can make you millions but don’t know where to start.

Struggling to show off your creative mind due to lack of confidence, strategy or both.

Knowing the value of evergreen systems but not quite know where to start.

Thriving business but needs a little more push to raise up.

So what do you need to take it to the 

next level?

Let’s turn our creative wheels for a minute

If this was your reality:

Waking up with hundreds new clients ready to invest in your business.

Consistent and sustainable personal, professional and financial growth.

Owning your confidence, every single day on your stories, posts, and overall social presence.

Feeling one step ahead of the curve no matter what's going on in your business.

Being a part of a thriving online community of business owners and friends.

Hitting your monthly goals each month.

Making money while you sleep with strategize you have learned.

Owning your niche and becoming the go-to gal for all the things you do.

What if I told you it was all


The 6-week Coaching Program


 Included in your investment:

6 x 1:1 one hour calls

Constant availability to answer any questions via Slack and or Voxer

Video Marketing and optimization strategies that are beginner friendly

Diversified your business skills and mindset that is open to more possibilities

Six weeks of video marketing knowledge that will elevate your business to a new level of entrepreneurship.

In 6 weeks from now, you could be maximizing your ROI and Thriving


you could not be maximizing your potential

But to get there you’ve got to:

Invest in yourself

Invest in your systems

Invest in a program that won’t tell you what you want to hear, but what you need to

Invest in a coach that wants you to succeed even more than you do!

You need to take the leap of faith and invest in yourself. Because to gain the authority, wealth and booked-out status you’ve always dreamed of, you need to build your knowledge, build your network, and build your confidence. Work with a Business Coach who can impart new ideas and strategies on you, a Business Coach who will lift you while still keeping it real. A Business Coach who will always have your back, and strive to get you more.

 More clients, more success, more freedom.

 With me, you will always leave better than when you came.

I want to bust these common beliefs that might be holding you back

"It takes thousands of dollars on ad spend, or I'd have to outsource an entire team in order to scale."

"Working ON my business 24/7 is where the money is."

"I need a huge following in order to be taken seriously and make an impact."

"People won't be ready to invest unless I have been in business for years and have a strong portfolio."


Forget what you’ve heard. Silence the little voice of doubt and follow your intuition.

You’ll spend $20 a week on coffee, over a 1k on the new iPhone, so why wouldn’t you invest in yourself and your business? A coffee goes cold, a phone depreciates. But scaling a business? That’s a commitment to uncapped growth and prosperity.

 All it takes is an outside perspective to look in and give you the confidence in a direction that will change your life.

I  don’t say that lightly, because, for me, it actually has changed my life

In our 6-week coaching, I’ll teach you the secrets I used to successfully reach 6/7-figures in under 6-months - and I’ll show you how you can do the same.


Here's is reality

Yes. You could stay where you are…

Yes, You could keep going at it alone, but in a year you’ll only have moved so far. But you certainly won’t be where you need to be.

Yes, you could DIY the process you THINK will work based on the latest trends or other people’s success. But free resources aren’t one size fits all.

Yes, You could find a business coach that has less of an investment. But you do get what you pay for.

Or. You could give yourself the push you know you won’t regret

You could magnetically attract over the top leads and boast a waitlist filled with dream clients.

Gain a clarified sense of your higher purpose and limitless optimism about the future.

You could have the everlasting knowledge to live and scale your business on your terms, doing $10k months effortlessly.

You could use your story to generate more sales, and leverage killer client results to become booked-out in seconds.

Simply because you chose to invest in yourself and your business.

What’s holding you back?


The time?

Here’s the thing - time will pass whether you do something or not. One year will pass no matter what you do.


You deserve every success you invest in


There are people out there with less experience doing what you want to do, simply because they’ve got the confidence.

Meet Elizabeth!

She is a wife. And a powerful businesswoman.
She is a mother. And an influential social media creator.
She is a woman of God. And a change-making philanthropist.

Guided by her devout spirituality and unwavering desire for success, Elizabeth is a trusted consultant and seasoned motivational speaker helping passionate women pursue their higher purpose.